Friday, August 22, 2008

Re: [Xbox] See Tiger Woods actually make the Jesus Shot

freaking fantastic, i was going to pick this game up, but i might just get hot shots for ps3 instead, now that i can play as kratos LOL

Nelson (nelzp) wrote:

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There are really only two ways of handling a glitch. Fix it in a patch or convince everyone who experienced it that it never happened in the first place. EA, as you can see in the above video, has provided the most impressive example of that second method we've ever seen.

After seeing one user's "Jesus Shot" video from Tiger Woods 08, (you'll find it just after the break), wherein a glitched Tiger walks over a pond to make a shot, EA answered back with its own video that Levinator25's supposed bug was, in fact, a mind-blowing feature. Bravo, EA. Bravo.

[Thanks, Conrad]

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