Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Re: [Xbox] BlackBerry Email Trace

i haven't received one in a long long time, but i blocked it on my mail server

PSCG Cleveland wrote:
  You do... You're the new God.  Pogo and I both beat the crud outta that mess and it goes back to Blackberry - who refuses to do anything, even when threatened with legal action.  They say the only way they're giving up the ID or even just the Carrier behind ole' Captain Blakeass is with a court order and maybe not even then (or at least not all of it).    I tried IP tracing, everything I had I threw at it - nada.  It's basically some chump who didn't pay his bill with one of the carriers or he got his ass fired and the IT guys never cleaned up after him.  So it hits a bouncing wall and Blackberry refuses to lift a finger, even though it's their domain causing us all the grief.    Now's the time you need someone in the Media to crawl out from under their rock and howl like a stuck pig about how BB spams without responsibility.  That'd wake them up, good PR for whoever writes it up and splashes it in the headlines.  You know one picks up another's stories and it'd go like wildfire.    But you do it... man... and you're my new Cult Leader and Proph's out on his sorry tryna be a 'burbanite butt!  On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:47 PM, Alan K. Martinez <akmartinez1@yahoo.com> wrote:   
I'm going to see if I can trace the BlackBerry bounce messages to a specific person…    Disregard this initial message…  I'm just sending out a message to get the bounce from BlackBerry.       

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