Saturday, July 26, 2008

Re: [Xbox] Re: [gamers_for_life] my HLS experience

yea well, at least i have friends

oh, and i bet HLS are members on this list, they have been trying to get on my private list run off my private server for some time.  but i don't think they realize that i'm one of the people they already visited, next time they email me impersonating tek maybe i'll tell them whats up lol

Mo Mo wrote:
You have weird friends you homo. 
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:47 AM
Subject: [gamers_for_life] my HLS experience

ok, this is what i sent my private run list, because the people on that list new this guy since the dreamcast days, and HLS started contacting them.  so some of it u guys might not understand, but the less i think about it the better, don't want to rewrite it.

everyone ignore any messages from TEK, they are not from him, they are from homeland security.  he was arrested, i was paid a visit by HLS.  i will write up a full report but lets just say tek is one of the sickest mo fo's on the planet and needs to be killed.  this has absolutely nothing to do with us or this list.  most likely the message will come from his phone by email.  i've ignored the messages for a few months now, and someone impersonating him started contacting other members, well, at least WW, to find out why i removed him and to get him back on the list.  i have been ignoring every message sent from him, because i have known it was him and HLS is looking through every lead they can to find the people he did this stuff with.  so you have nothing to worry about, just ignore him, an d let me know if he does, or has contacted your within the past few months, as i'm going to put a call into my contact at HLS and tell them to leave us alone, they are searching in the wrong place.

ok, basically, tek is a black gay dude how likes to have sex with 7 yr old boys.  HLS found a envelop in teks apartment that i mailed him in like 2000, i sent him some DBZ videos that i didn't want because they were in japanese, it was stuff with disgusting pictures of the kids.  i asked them to stop showing them to me, so they only showed me the faces to see if i recognized any of them.  they scanned my home pc's, drilled me on questions, showed me his passport to see if i knew him, so on and so forth.  last thing they asked me was if i had ever done this with my kid, that was the worst question i've ever been asked.  i told them no, they said i reacted calmly which was weird, so i told them what was i suppose to do, i said if they were a friend of mine or something, i would of punched them, if i did that to them, they would take me to jail, they said good point.  i was messed up for a few days after that, images i never want to see, stuck in my head.  anyways, there is alot more to the story, i just don't feel like getting into it as you can imagine.  now we know why he adopted that kid so many years ago, i forgot all about that, WW brought it up when i was explaining to him what was going on, and he tested whoever was emailing him and that showed WW that it was not TEK sending the emails.

so all, just ignore him, remove him from IM clients, remove his emails, ignore everything.  like i said, this has nothing to do with this list, but it seems since i've been ignoring him they started contacting others here.

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