Tuesday, March 18, 2008

[Xbox] Xbox 360 Content Creation Challenge presented by Nokia


Contentchallenge 360voice is proud to be be a partner with Disruptive Publishers in the Xbox 360 Content Creation Challenge presented by Nokia!

If you have been saying, "Wow... I can create a better dashboard theme than that!" well, here is your chance! Create your theme... the community will vote on the best one. The winner gets all sorts of great stuff! (prizes, fame, fortune, etc.)

The official press release (PDF)

Here is how it will work. Read this!

  1. Visit www.my360theme.com to participate in the Xbox 360 Content Creation Challenge presented by Nokia.
  2. Register to submit themes as well as to vote (registration is free). Make sure you affiliate your self with 360voice!!
  3. Upon registration, you will find detailed instructions and a content template.
  4. Once material has been created to the proper specs, upload it!
  5. After review, the content will appear in the community gallery.
  6. The community votes to determine top content.
  7. At the end of the contest period, the winning entries will be published to Xbox LIVE Marketplace, with the top overall theme (based on # of votes) receiving a grand prize package (HDTV home theater, games) plus a publishing contract with DP!
  8. In addition, the community (360voice!) with the highest score will receive additional prizes that we can give away to you all!

So head over there... sign up... create themes... start voting! Not only are you all individually competing to have your theme posted to Xbox Live, but we are up against some other great communities to see who can bring home the trophy of most active community! Here are the other partners:

  1. 360style.net
  2. 360sync
  3. Evil Avatar
  4. Hawty McBloggy
  5. Platform Nation
  6. The10k.com
  7. Unscripted 360
  8. Xbox Addict

This should be a lot of fun. Make sure you check out the Community Showcase forum. I have stickied a thread for people to post about the themes they have created. So go make some themes!

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