Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Re: [Xbox] Next Xbox?

lol, ps3 is a POS, man, don't think so

PogoWolf wrote:
At this point none of that matters.  The issue that M$ is faceing is the fact that
even though the PS3 is a POS.. it is a really cheap (like cheapest) Blu-ray player.
and now that the 360 is pretty much past it's prime, and losing sales because
it's no longer 'new', the PS3 sales are going to jump.. and jump quickly (like they are in Europe)
This will in turn give the PS3 more market share and 'force' 3rd party developers to figure out the
hardware and make some games for the system.
Right now the only things the 360 has going for it is a large established user base, easy to program
hardware, and a networking system that works most of the time.  But nothing 'new'.
If M$ wants to keep up the pressure on Sony they need to release the next version sooner rather then
later.  Right now we know that M$ has ordered blu-ray drives, and we know they are working on a
Wii style of remote.   We also know they dropped this years spring up date to 'work on other things'
So here's the idea.. M$ creates a new 360, with blu-ray support, and the 'Wiimote' looking thing.
updates the hardware to allow for DVR capablites and a MUCH bigger drive, removes the DNR BS from
movies to allow a direct connection into someones home network, and updates LIVE to allow for Streaming Movies
(Via NetFlicks) , TV (MSNBC?), and Audio (URGE). 
they don't need really to update the graphics at this point, because it's still going to be a few years until
anyone really figures out the hardware of the PS3 and then figures out that it doesn't matter because
the PS3 can't push the polys.  now the audio because pretty much sound is sound at this point.
and it puts a new Xbox in front of the people to keep the brand going until they can release the next-gen
version of the xbox in a few years.

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 9:52 AM, PSCG Cleveland <pscgcleveland@gmail.com> wrote:

But... that'd still be the 360, no? Sounded like he was asking about the
mysterious 720 that I agree with Nelson is a few years off. They're riding
high on things right now and the PS3 doesn't have enough of any edge to
it to cause them to search for better GPU's.

Not to mention if AMD doesn't kill themselves the 360's AMD/ATI loaded
and those nutballs are working on a new gen of all-in-one chip that'd give
any '720' game console the ability to be triple-core CPU, triple GPU in the
same space. Right now it's tri-core, single ATI GPU. But they're at least
a year from perfecting it, producing it and letting it test out on PC's and
laptops before MS would want to get tangled up with it. They just payed
through the nose on this screw-up, they're going to want time-tested before
doing it again, wouldn't you think?

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 8:33 AM, PogoWolf <pogowolf@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm thinking late next year (2009)..
> Pretty much it'll be an Xbox 360 with better networkign support, Blu-ray
> support, and 100% BC to the 360. kinda like a 'Media edition' version of
> the 360. and yes, I'll argue my reasons for the thought to anyone that
> gives a poop. LOL
> On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 7:30 AM, Nelson (nelzp) <nelson@nelzp.com> wrote:
>> I think we still have a few more years to go on the current one.
>> thanks,
>> Nelson
>> From: David
>> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 9:57 PM
>> To: Xbox@yahoogroups.com
>> Subject: [Xbox] Next Xbox?
>> any idea when the next xbox is coming out?
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