and i can't believe nobody else chimed in on this, other than this reply below that makes no sense.
hey kyle, they can scale it for more players ya know, kind of like how most games tend to have slightly dumbed down graphics for online play than they do in single player
Kyle wrote:
Well.............. ( by no means I'm I trying to flame first thing that popped in my mind.) Look at COD4 and then Halo3. Now COD4 will only play one person on the screen because it runs at such a high FPS. Halo 3 on the other hand runs at a lower FPS so you can have up to 4 people per a console. Same with rock band runs at a lower FPS so you can have more people on the screen. Now I've only player the new Burn out once looks great but if there were teo people playing on that box at once it would fry. So it really does depend I have friends that that don't have there consoles hooked up to the internet so they come over to my house to play so we play Halo3 insted of COD4 b/c we can both play at the same time.__._,_.___
P.S. I was talking about the xbox 360 in my post and not the PS3.
PRoPHeTiZeR wrote:first rock band
WTF, is this game made for people that sit at computer desks? the f'ing
codes are so short, why is the mic 10 feet longer than the guitar cord,
why is the power supply for the hub so short? why does it need a power
supply, the 360 can run 3 controllers anyways. i sit on my couch and
the damn cord comes unplugged because it's just not long enough, the hub
is hanging above ground because i need as much distance as i can get.
but it sure is fun to play!
ok, MGS4
my first MGS game, all i hear is how accessible it is and they made it
easier. well, maybe they did, but i've never played one, i'm not use to
the controls. so why the hell does the tutorial that comes up during
gameplay, for totally useless things that you can't even do yet. to
select grenade press this button, then use this button to throw it, but
i don't even have grenades, how about telling me how to use something
new when i can actually do it to get a feel for it. this happens for
everything, it makes no sense. in the into, u pick up a gun, it tells
you how to use it, then goes to a cut scene and then after that you have
no gun, so thanks for telling me the controls, and then not letting me
use them.
now, for another thing
why in fake gods name, are all games not in 60FPS at least on ps3 and
360. look at burnout paradise and cod4, smooth as butter, look
gorgeous. it's so hard after playing so much cod4 to play another
shooter at 30fps, it's just not as smooth or nice, and the games usually
don't even look as good. all this damn power, with such slow FPS makes
no damn sense to me. all games should run at 60FPS, and don't say it's
because of graphics, like i said, check burnout paradise or COD4 which
is 1 of the best looking 360 games to date.
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