Friday, May 9, 2008

Re: [Xbox] Cable Broadband Users, Get Ready For Overage Fees

You can all thank Verizon Wireless for the BS 'Limited Unlimited' stunt
they pulled on their PCMCIA/USB data services. I was one of the first to
get booted and wasn't that far over any unreasonable limits - but VZW
didn't care and sent a nice 'get lost-o-gram' terminating the service. No
early termination fee, no refund for the data card either - but also
no 'unlimited'
service like they claimed.

Cable Co's are going to get away with this because they've advertised
speeds - not 'unlimited' anything for traffic. What a load!

FOADVZW! I need a bumper sticker that says that...

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 8:45 AM, PRoPHeTiZeR <> wrote:
> Cable Broadband Users, Get Ready For Overage Fees
> Clear caps? Great. $1.50/GB Overage fees? Wait a !@$% minute...
> 06:14PM Thursday May 08 2008 by Karl
> tags: competition · business · bandwidth · Op/Ed · Comcast · RoadRunner
> Cable · Rogers Hi-Speed
> What seemed like a vague industry possibility just a few months ago now
> seems like an inevitable certainty. Multiple carriers in North America are
> now either employing or considering monthly caps where users pay per
> gigabyte should they "over eat." But the move begs a number of questions.
> Not least of which is whether opening the door to overage fees invites a
> broadband future where ISPs use the nebulous specter of "excessive use" as a
> new piggy bank -- and as a pre-emptive weapon against competing content.
> Earlier this week I broke the news that Comcast is considering implementing
> a 250GB monthly cap, with a $15 penalty for each 10GB over that cap you
> travel. I've been reading through the various subsequent coverage
> (Associated Press, New York Times, CBC) , and came across this Business Week
> report. In it, Time Warner Cable spokesman Alex Dudley confirms they're
> still on track to begin testing their own overage system. If you recall, we
> also broke the news of that system, which could come with caps as low as 5GB
> per month.

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